Aries Full Moon – Spark Of New Hope

October 17, 2024

by Hagar Harpak

When an Aries Full Moon shines its light, we find ourselves sparking something new, while old pieces scatter in the winds, following the impulse to begin while shedding a belonging that no longer fits, venturing out of the cemetery of rejections, into unfamiliar territories. 

Where have you been wanting to go but have been sitting on the impulse? What’s stopping you? What attracts you to that place? How can you create an area in yourself that weaves together some elements from that place, with some of the appealing threads? 

The archetype of Aries is impulsive. Their flames spark fast, When it comes as a full moon, it reflects a sun that is in Libra. Libra can go back and forth till eternity, processing every detail, weighing all the options, unable to decide. These two, as we carefully pour the liquid of one into the other, can mix together into a potion of decisions that are backed by careful, thoughtful research and consideration, and make moves toward our desires. 

The moves that you want to make reflect something. What do you see in them? What does it tell you about yourself? What does it tell you about the world? What does it tell you about this time? As you see what you see, who do you want to be? How do you want to shape yourself through the new understandings that you gain? 

Libra season takes us toward others, into relationships, through conversations that promote justice and fairness, in search of harmony. 

When Aries pops in for a glorious lunar expression during this season, it reorients you toward yourself for a moment, calling you back into your own desires, asking you to remember what you are inspired by, inviting you to follow what turns you on. 

If you have been going through heartache, if you’ve been tasting disappointments on your palate one after the other, if you’ve been carrying the weight of the world, if grief has been pulling you down – Aries wants you to reinvent yourself, to generate different ways of being.

Aries can breathe a glimmer of hope into the moments when serpentine roots wrap around you, ready to turn you to soil before it’s time. 

Forging new paths in the world is not easy. Crafting new forms of self is not easy. We can feel inspired to do so, and lose mojo when we realize how much dedication it requires. Aries is the energy that sends us on the way. But it’s also the part of us that isn’t interested in meeting the challenges on the road. 

Becoming who you want to be when many things don’t work the way you want them to work can feel overwhelmingly difficult. It takes more than the initiatory thought to keep doing the work. 

You need the spark. You need the desire. And you need the will. You need the love. You need your own sense of self to keep pulling itself together and to keep on changing simultaneously. And you need to keep connecting yourself actively to more than you. 

The Aries archetype has us leading the way with our passion. We’re turned on by desire itself. Going for it is more important than getting it for Aries, and maybe that can be a beautiful sentiment to keep close in a world where achievements are celebrated more than fulfillment. Aries isn’t exactly a fulfilled character, but it wakes up in us the energy that moves us, that gets us going, and it wants less emphasis on fear of failure, and more daring. 

It is the promise to keep sparking no matter how many things may blow us out. 

When the moon is full in Aries, we are invited to take action. And because Libra is in the house, we’re gonna be reminded to be deliberate about it. Libra is also solution oriented, and will invite us to look at things from different angles and not just turn toward the next turn on as soon as we’re turned off by struggle. 

The passion of Aries can help work through challenges, if we nourish the fire with some good wood and enough wind. So as the moon fills up in the sky tonight, let your breath deepen, and feed the intensity of care with life force. 

Life asks us to deal with things. All the time. The spark of Aries helps bring a fiery flare to the mundane vibes of adult life. But it also wants to pull us away from the everyday and toward something more exciting. 

So how do we bring more zest to all the stuff we need to deal with? How do we fill the shell of routinized adulthood with a little fervor and fizz? 

This full moon invites us to mingle the passion with patience, the daring with dedication, the enthusiasm with engagement. 

Fall is a season that carries us into the underworld, into the decomposition of old versions, into decay. When this Spring archetype bounces off of the moon and sends sparks of freshness into the air in the midst of death, we are invited to renew our relationship with life, to reconstruct our relationship with death itself, to commune with loss in ways we haven’t tried before, to innovate through life’s hard lessons of rejection and disappointment. 

Let this full moon in Aries redirect the flow, reinterpret the story, reignite the flame, redefine the identity. Let this moment in the midst of Fall bring a breath of fresh air to the process of dying. Let this be an opportunity to enliven and energize your roles, your relationships, your rhythm.

Have a meaningful full moon!

Check out this FREE Aries Full moon talk.

Connect the dots of where you are now with the beginning of this lunar cycle and re-read the Libra New Moon piece here.



October 17, 2024

October 11, 2024

October 10, 2024

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