Full Moon In Leo – Lead Your Life With Heart

February 12, 2025

by Hagar Harpak

What is dominant in your life right now? What has a strong presence in you these days? What seems undeniable in the currents of the current world? On this full moon in Leo, we are greeted with this sign’s big energy, deep pull, and loud roar. It shows itself through the gravity of what we are witnessing and experiencing. It reveals itself as the feelings we may have about what’s happening. It is the larger than life quality of a dramatic person, situation, phase, event, or direction.  

Leo loves attention. Maybe the fullness of this moon will bring to your attention something important. Maybe the light of this full moon will reveal something to you that needs to be unveiled, because Leo loves to be seen. You might see something beautiful, inspiring, and comforting. Or your attention might be brought into something you don’t want to see, but  can no longer ignore.

The energy of the Leo archetype is playful. Wherever your attention goes as this moon shines its light, a little bit of sense of humor could go a long way. A kitty vibe could be a game changer if what you’re dealing with is heavy and saturated in shadow. Cats can see in the dark, and they bring a frisky, flirtatious spirit to their surroundings. Cats make the darkness sexy. 

Is there a way for you to breathe feline ferocity into the situation that you’re in? Would a slow, seductive movement through the currents of constant crisis be helpful somehow? Let your imagination speak to you about this a bit. The untamed lion is the beast of your creative spark, the animal nature of your imagination, the roar of inspiration. The times we’re living through, and what you’re going through on a personal level, might ask your wildness to cat-walk into the scene, and this full moon could be a powerful moment to wake yourself up to the feral creature of your intuition and inspiration. 

As we meet this moon’s fullness, what we encounter may or may not have the charm of the lion, but orienting ourselves toward what we’re dealing with (and collectively we are dealing with A LION-LOT) with the radiance of this zodiac archetype could make a big difference in how we curate the art of our experience. 

If your attention has been pulled into the shitty news, the fear of fascism, the deterioration of decency in the world, you don’t need to shift your gaze elsewhere. We need to look these demons in the eyes if we are ever to find our way through this mess. There is no bypassing it. But Leo, with its attention grabbing energy, is big-hearted and breathtakingly majestic, and when we show up to the tangles of dystopia with the fullness of our hearts, we may be able to carve a path of meaning through the disturbing truth of it all.

Leo is a lover of truth. The truth can be both comforting and disturbing at the same time. Looking at the truth can feel discouraging sometimes. Reality isn’t always pretty. There is magic that can happen when we weave together the truth of where we are and the imaginative, creative power that can guide us into change. The key is not to lose the lion’s wild heart, which pulses with authenticity and artistry, with real deal qualities and bigger than life innovative power. 

Leo is a fixed sign. With it we’re called to be grounded in who we are, stable in our presence. A fixed sign is anchored in the character of the season. In the Northern Hemisphere, Leo season coincides with the peak of Summertime. The Leo full moon happens during Aquarius season, which in the Northern Hemisphere is during the peak of Winter.  

Leo is also a fire sign, and fire is transformative. We get to bring together steadiness of character and alchemical capacities, firmness and reformation, solidity and metamorphosis. The truth of who we are is preserved with this archetype, and the truth of who we are is also an ever changing reality.  

Leo is wild, full of heart, strong, confident, charming, charismatic, and dramatic. As an archetype it carries a thread that weaves culture and nature, society and the person, environment and individual. As an archetype, it grows from a soil that births many other archetypes, and so it stands as an individuated expression, and it is never without the relationships that make it. Who the lion shares their day with, what the lion had to eat, what tree the lion rests under, create who the lion is. And who the lion is continues to unfold. 

Because the full moon in Leo happens during the time the sun is in Aquarius, as those two signs sit on the exact opposite of one another on the astrological wheel, the relationship between them is interesting to explore, because it gives more depth to the moment, more nuance to the understanding, more texture to the conversation.

If Leo brings something to our attention, Aquarius invites us to expand our perspective. Leo offers us the spotlight and what’s in it, and Aquarius reminds us that the spotlight cannot stay on one person, one issue, or one event for too long. It wants to include more, to extend the vision and expand the attention to the greater whole, to develop into new possibilities, to venture toward new horizons. 

Aquarius is the electrical charge of a new idea, a new relationship, a new phase. They are the vision of different directions and other ways of being. When this energy radiates from the sun and reflects back at us through the fullness of the moon, it comes to us as Leo’s spotlight on a fresh outlook. Can we look at what grabs our attention through more than one lens?  

How can you, how can we, show up to the intensity of the moment, to the weight of what pulls us, to the strength of what we’re experiencing, to the loud roar of the beast of the moment, and rebel – Aquarius style – against the old ways of reacting? 

And how can you, how can we, show up to the unprecedented quality of our times, to the collapse of what we have learned to count on, to a violent earth shattering energy of this historical period, and bring to it the imaginative, instinctual, wild wisdom that can help us carve pathways through this great upheaval. 

Leo is the energy of the leader and Aquarius leads us to the notion that the community is the leader. We are the leaders of our lives, but what needs to lead us is a sense of responsibility for more than ourselves. Leo is our wildness, so as it charges into the spotlight of leadership, it reminds us that we are not in control. And Aquarius anchors us into our belonging to an ecosystem, which leads by collaboration and arrangements of diverse members with a shared vision. 

With the fullness of this moon, perhaps we can gather ourselves and one another through the vessels of the lunar and the solar and the constellations they are dancing with, and weave together attention and intention, intellect and instinct, pulling together collective care and the kind of personal attention that can help nurture the intimacy necessary for apocalyptic times. 

May this full moon in Leo bring you inspiration and the confidence to step into who you are, and may who you are rise as a creative collaborator within the network of supportive relationships, coming together to generate a system of care. 

To explore more pieces of the Leo archetype, check out this FREE Full Moon In Leo video. There’s a lot in here. You can watch/listen on a walk, on a drive, or as you do your house chores.

With much love,


February 20, 2025

February 12, 2025

February 6, 2025

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