The depth of being awaits our attention as we plunge into a new lunar cycle. The oceanic breath of the new moon in Pisces fills the lagoon of our dreams with expansive vision. The fish tail of this archetype moves the body through the waters of the imagination. With Pisces we are not confined to the solidity of reality, but we are liquifying form so that we can reshape ourselves and recreate the world.
Known as The Mystic, it is common to think of the Pisces archetype as one who swims beyond the currents of being a limited, embodied being. But instead of toward transcendence, we can consider this fish moving through all the currents of form and identity, of space and time. Instead of taking us beyond life, we can expand the perspective and allow Pisces to take us into life – in all its flavors and textures and colors. We are pouring through it as it pours through us.
The ebb and flow of life, the rise and fall of culture, the ups and downs of emotions, the increase and decrease of interest, inspiration, attention, awareness, desire, devotion, and all the fluctuations of being embodied, and being alive, are the school of the zodiac fish.
Instead of beyond, we can breathe with it all. Instead of eliminating limits we can embrace boundaries – without them there is no growth. Instead of dissolution as a process of merging with the infinite, we can swim with Pisces through the continuum of decomposition and reformulation.
The power of Pisces is the energy that invites us to drop into the depth of our interconnection. She reminds us that we were all fish in the beginning. And she wants us to follow the currents of source energy even further, and plunge into the space where all life on earth was once a single cell organism, swimming in primordial oceans. And even further… she wants us to undress from our search for the origin of life formation… she wants us to float in space where we don’t only remember that we are all made of stardust, but disperse like it. And further still, to where all was compact and unmade together, within the core, before the big bang.
Pisces wants to go beyond wanting. It wants to go to where existence doesn’t exist. It wants to fall into the arms of nothingness and be reabsorbed in the essence of nothing at all. Pisces doesn’t take you to oneness, it is oneness.
But what is oneness if not plurality and diversity reconfiguring itself continuously? What is oneness if not the infinite breaking into infinite expressions? What is oneness if not the process of banging into being, scattering endlessly, expanding indefinitely? What is oneness if not manyness?
Pisces is a mutable sign. Adaptability is part of its character. Change and transition and fluid reshaping of things is how Pisces expresses itself as an archetype. And it’s also a water sign, which gives it depth and its fluctuating nature.
Pisces takes us to the infinite not to stay there, but to dissolve so that we can begin something new, to vanish so that we can reappear, to evaporate so that we can rain back down. We arrive at the end of the zodiac cycle, with this sign taking us into dissolution before a new cycle begins with Aries. It takes us from Winter to Spring. With the fish we die and merge with original, formless spaciousness. And then, Spring comes, and Aries season begins, and we initiate, rise again, sprout and bloom and break through.
With this new moon we are invited to shift our shape into what we imagine to be our most poetic sea creature. What would you become if you knew yourself to be the liquid light of the universe? Who would you turn into if you allowed yourself, right now, to step into your cocoon, melt into the cosmic soup of possibilities, and re-emerge a winged creature?
May the expansive enchantment, the liquifying qualities, the vast vision, and the imaginative capacities of Pisces take you for a swim as this lunar cycle unfolds.
As we navigate the stormy waters of a crumbling world, may we strengthen and learn the skills needed for swimming in treacherous streams.
It might feel tempting to follow the fish all the way to Neptune (the ruler planet of Pisces) and unburden ourselves from our relationship with reality, with the tangible things of life, with the ground of being. But perhaps what we might need is to play with the wild imagination of a Neptunian power, to merge with the vastness of a Piscean ocean, not so we can stay in those realms of spiritual transcendence, but so we can bring form the vastness what we will need as we spark the energy of the next cycle.
This lunar cycle begins at a moment in history that feels like suffocation. Let the new moon in Pisces carry you through the currents of the immensity of the universe, so that you can slip through the spaces that confine you, carve new patterns of meaning on hard surfaces, dig into the depths of what matters and inspires, and open yourself up to expansive breaths and broad perspectives.
The night is dark. The moon unseen. And in the enormity of the darkness, the moon reignites itself. And so will we.
Explore more of the Pisces archetype in this video.
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With much love,