Skin To Bark
Between the greens I find a reality of belonging
Skin to bark becomes a sensation of inseparable
Of a universe unfolding
Of beingness becoming more of existence
In the forest I breathe an I into a whole
Skin to bark breathes new configurations
Of identity through timelessness
Of time within no self at all
Of space signaling time to weave
A vastness greater than what we can
Hands grow roots in soil
Soul softens skin into bark
Aging in the forest becomes a sacred bond
Death devours doubts of worthiness
Delicate lines cross and no
One thing is a thread unbound
Interwoven elegance spreading sentiments
Of freedom and
Plants surround a me far gone
Bark and skin and breath and birdsong
Gone yet here
I’ll raise the children that came through me
I’ll see them into adulthood
Love will saturate hearts
Grateful for this human form that
Birthed life and fed and nourished
Like the earth beneath those hands
Make sure to look into their eyes and smile
Make sure to tend with tenderness
To this fleeting spark
In dirt I put my thoughts
Skin surrenders to bark’s hold
And nothing holds together
The unraveling of self and other and more
The intermingle of seed and soil
Water flows from sky and under
What will grow next in the forest of this life?
This life and that life interweave
Decay feeds cycles of becoming
Leaves and branches and insects and stems
Skin and bark inseparable
Make this a delicious run
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