Another Autumn – Your Heart In The Wind

September 22, 2024

by Hagar Harpak

Another Autumn 

Gold O’clock and a scatter

In the Season of the Witch 

Every Which way you turn, a fallen leaf

A shatter 

Of thought, idea, or dream, a plan 

blowing into disarray 

Making its way

With the wind

And brooms come out of closets

Along with skeletons

Collect the fallen 


And guide the point toward the galactic center

Or at least the belly toward

The sun

Time to descend, to dig into the pit 

To let the seed be swallowed by soil 

The hour glass measures the time left

Till decay 

You never thought you’d lose that part. But after years of shedding and renewal you finally realize that yep, that part goes too. 

Down into the burning pit it goes.

Another autumn . And the tipping point that sends you into darkness undresses the trees with passion. Another spin.

It goes by quickly.

Another autumn and the baby is a teenager. 

Another autumn and the wrinkles dig through skin to soul

Another autumn 

You’ve been patient

So many years 

The tears keep raining 

And the rain comes down 

Wetness to dried fallen leaves

Rain washes down

Soil softens 

Mud mingles with marigolds 

The magnitude is marinated in magic

Death becomes new life

Years of being a parent now. And still I’m just a child playing a part in a movie of life. And autumn comes and I need an umbrella but instead I go out in the rain.


A bed of dead leaves wet in the garden. And the rain keeps coming down. Dried then drenched then decaying. A pile of rotten regrets. Will they nourish the projects of progress and pride? 

Another fall arrives. Wondering why summer had to go so quickly. 

Wondering why so 


The kids don’t notice how fast. I look at them too intensely. Too aware of the change that storms through the day to day. Too attuned to the way that time strips away today too quickly. 

Autumn brings renewal through release. We stand in the rain. And wait for the wetness to reach into the spirit center at the core of the inner beyond. It’s fall again, and the faint smile of the woman who stands with the trees is washed ashore with the rains.

The horizon of the unknown twinkles in the vastness. The great below is open. Time to head into the night. She hugs them tight and all the tears tangle with the dried up parts. The pit of the heart is open. Broken. And so the rain floods the cracks.

Another Autumn.

For a deep immersion in Autumn – a ceremonial somatic mythopoetic journey – join us for the Autumn Equinox Somatic Ceremony. Click here for details.

And for a FREE yoga practice to play with the transition of the season from Summer to Fall, click here.

October 17, 2024

October 11, 2024

October 10, 2024

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