November 13, 2023

On a new moon in Scorpio we plunge into the depths. Deep within the womb waters of cosmic soup, deep within where one form dissolves to become the intensity of new possibilities, deep beneath the surface of what’s known, deep under the ground, under the layers of protection, under the covers, under the skin, deep

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November 8, 2023

All my life I stood against the Israeli occupation. I still do.  I was a little girl when my parents took me to protests against the occupation. I was young when my dad had to choose between going to a military prison for an uncertain period of time, or serving in the army reserve in

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October 31, 2023

Weave life, death, and what you know about Samhain into the wisdom of who you are becoming. There’s a lot to know about Samhain, and a lot to learn about ourselves as we stand at the crossroad of this season, in the space between life and death, at the threshold of death and rebirth. It’s

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October 28, 2023

The full moon in Taurus arrives during the season of Scorpio. Fertility and decay sip on each other’s scents, tangle roots and branches into one another, weaving together the tapestry of aliveness and death. The archetype of Taurus calls us into the love of earth, into the pleasures of embodiment, into fragrance of soil and

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October 26, 2023

Our transformation, our liberation, our human connection aren’t going to happen on deep levels if what we cling to is simplicity. Over simplistic views cause us to lock ourselves in binaries, to look at the world through black or white lenses, and to diminish the truth. If we want to open our minds, to root

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October 21, 2023

In the same womb Scattered all over Pieces of ancestors  Some here, some there A tear in the eye and a tear  In the connective tissue  Gasping for air Ancestors everywhere  And nowhere to be found  The land, they say, is not ours Not yours  The land is made of bones  It’s nobody’s and  Everyone’s 

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