September 14, 2023

When the moon is new in virgo, we can access and/or work with the part of us that demands excellence from ourselves and from others. There’s beauty in this desire to excel. Having high standards creates space for generating high quality everything. We can accomplish incredible things when we envision, show up, and pour ourselves

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September 12, 2023

What breaks you makes you. Vulnerable, you become stronger. You tend to your wounds, and you don’t let them define you. Except they do define you. And you must assimilate the shedding blood of your broken heart, and the poison too. Your wounds are part of the story of who you are, the continuum of

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September 7, 2023

Whenever I hear someone speak of “your Highest Self,” or “enlightenment,” or “ascension,” or “higher consciousness,” or any spiritual words that hint at a goal of one state that is in some way to be reached and then sustained, maintained, and held foeva and eva, I cringe a little.  We are more complex than that.

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August 30, 2023

It’s a Pisces full moon, blue moon, super moon, deep love, big feelings, fantastical fish, mountain mermaid, howling heart, growling ground moon!  A blue moon is when we get a second full moon within the same month. A supermoon is when the full moon happens on the closest point to earth on the moon’s oval

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August 28, 2023

It’s getting into the territory of Summer, where a softer light whispers a gentler word, a spell that surrenders sycamore leaves to gravity, an incantation that sacrifices solar energy on the altar of night. As the season shape shifts, its tenderness exposes an imperfect inspiration, reminding us to live an authentic life, not a flawless one.

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August 16, 2023

When the moon is new in Leo we get to begin a cycle rooted in the heart.  What’s in your heart these days? What are the feelings that pulse through you most dominantly? What do you care deeply about? What do you want from life? How do you want to offer your talents and gifts?

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