August 14, 2023

Sometimes it’s hard to know how to connect without grasping. There’s no formula to follow, and no easy way to support and let go, to create a life that balances stability and freedom. The tall Cypress tree outside my parents’ living room window in Tel Aviv is moving in the gentle breeze. It’s August, and

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August 8, 2023

Today is 8/8 – Lion’s Gate – a threshold into the courage of our authenticity, a gateway into a collective vision, a door that opens between life and death, a call to release and to receive, an invitation to empower your heart. What story is your breath telling you at the moment? August is now

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August 1, 2023

How are you feeling on this Aquarius Full Moon? How is your body experiencing its relationship with the environment? Who is your heart reaching out to connect with? What collection of thoughts do you want to bring more attention to? Who/what are you inspired to co-create with, to collaborate with? How are you feeling on

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July 21, 2023

Being out in the embrace of trees and soil, under a moonless vast night sky with infinite stars spangled across the darkness, watching old mother pines reaching tall, pinecones scattered across forest floor, and young firs sprouting, reaching for sunlight, reminds me that in the heart of reciprocity is not an exchange, but rather an

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July 17, 2023

It’s a new moon in cancer, and the waters of her womb invite us into the vulnerability of the tender tissue of the crab. Sensitive. Sensual. Soft. As we swim through delicate textures of the inner realms of emotions and feelings, we simultaneously search for, or find ways to construct structures of protection, and the

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July 6, 2023

How does your body feel when the fullness of the moon passes, when the light exhales softly, when the waning phase sends the cycle into a new rhythm? If you closed your eyes right now, and took a few moments to breathe into your belly, to inflate it as you inhale, and allow it to

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