June 27, 2023

How is your body feeling post Solstice, nourished by sunshine, settling into a new season? Did you take a moment to pause with the sun at its peak, and allow it to speak to you in rays? Did you have a chance to slow down, just a little, and relish the life force pouring in?

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June 17, 2023

A new moon in Gemini arrives Saturday June 17th at 9:37pm, right as we reach toward the end of Gemini season. A quick reminder, dear one; Having faith in astrology, or in any human made up system for that matter, is not a requirement for playing with it. Believing in something can often close off

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June 13, 2023

Liberate yourself to breathe Sacred and secular and sentimental Life slithers across the landscape Burrows and rises  Undulating  Not sure what this place is yet Leafy. Living. Loving?  Breathing beauty and burning bullshit  Down to ashes Be gone! Body naked smeared in that which is no longer Music moving me Pulsing prayer I don’t pray,

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June 5, 2023

What would we be without our ability to imagine? What kind of a mammal would we have developed into if imagination didn’t start to form in the minds of our early ancestors? What would life be without inspiration? There are many reasons why myth matters. My kids’ playful exploration of their world, and how they play,

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June 2, 2023

Happy Sagittarius Full Moon, beautiful earthy creatures!  The adventurous, philosophical, and truth seeking Sagittarius is the archetype that invites us to bathe in this full moon’s light.  She is courageous and wise, she loves the night skies, she sees constellations everywhere she looks, and draws connections between her own experience and what she reads in

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May 24, 2023

In the space between mid-spring and Summer Solstice, between Beltane and Litha, the Jewish tradition celebrates Shavuot. In between the fire festival that delights in the earth’s blossoming fertility, blooming sensuality, and primal pleasure, and the celebration of the longest day of the year, Summer’s beginning, the peak of light, abundance, and beauty, this Jewish

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