May 18, 2023

It’s a Taurus New Moon. Can you feel it? The shift in rhythms, the transformation of sonic experience, bird song and summer vibes coming close, the transition of colors as they burst through the seam in the fabric of earthly existence… The air is warming the skin. Layers of clothing shed. Garlands of flowers transmuting

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May 5, 2023

Welcome to the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Are you feeling it? Are you journeying underground? Is your shadow speaking to you? Are you listening? What is being stripped away? What must you place in the compost bin of your soul? It is time to unleash your deep, hidden magic! Eclipse season (the first in 2023)

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May 1, 2023

What would it take for you to answer the call of your muse? What is she asking of you? What does she promise? Who do you become when you show up to your inspiration? Listen to muse to nurture your magic. I sent the kids to school this morning and instead of heading into my

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April 27, 2023

Go outside. Take off your shoes and place the soles of your feet in the soil of a garden or a wild place. Smell the air. It is filled with the scent of flowers. Mid-Spring is a woven tapestry of pollination and fertilization, arousal and eros, senses awakening and animal bodies ignited with primal desire.

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April 19, 2023

It’s a new moon  And a solar eclipse A gateway into where you decide you want to go A moment to reflect on where you’ve been A shadow shack to take refuge in Sometimes hiding from the light is a remedy For the tender heart  The cosmic mind is fractalizing  Infinite colors bathing in that

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April 5, 2023

The constellation of Libra is dancing with the moon today. The moon is full. Spring in the Northern Hemisphere is reaching arms and legs out of the ground, reentering the world anew. Jewish people around the world celebrate the beginning of Passover. Passover is a celebration of liberation, marking the exodus of the Israelites from

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