February 15, 2023

How is your body? Your gut? Your heart? How is your brain? How is your breath?  Bring your attention to your belly for a moment, right behind your navel. Breathe in slowly, and follow your breath from your nostrils, through your throat, into your lungs. The lungs fill up with air. The diaphragm contracts and

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February 10, 2023

I am connectedTo those who came beforeThose who sowed seedsThose who sewed clothesThose who raised childrenThose children are my ancestorsThose who escaped harmThose who stayed behindThose whose blood was shedI am connectedTo the trees that grew thereTo the teas my grandmothers brewedAnd their foodTo the plants they used for healingTo the land they moved withinPushed

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February 8, 2023

You Are The Alchemy You Seek Magic is somatic!  We are embodied beings. We’re body parts – cells in a planet that is a body. It is physical. It is tangible. And it is ever changing. We’re a part of a universe that is a woven together, intricate entity of matter. We live in a

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January 31, 2023

The season is transitioning. Winter is reaching its peak. The peak is a pivot point. Spring is being announced. Light is growing. The earth begins to move beneath the surface, like a baby in mama’s womb. Nature’s expressive soul is about to let loose. A poet’s heart is beating for inspiration.  This is when we

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January 28, 2023

What is your soul singing about these days? What is your voice longing to say? Whose voice do you long to hear more of, and wish to share with others? What’s stopping you? Mother nature is preparing to bring her voice into expression. Some blossoms are already playing their seasonal music in some areas. In

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January 16, 2023

This soup is insanely yummy! And it’s vegan and gluten-free!It’s a fabulous first course of a fancy Winter dinner you’re making for your peeps. Maybe you’re having your besties over for a new moon in Aquarius circle, or an Imbolc gathering. Or maybe you’re celebrating Tu-B’shvat with your buddies and spending time with beloved trees,

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