January 21, 2022

Howl at the moon tonight Even if it’s from a tiny window of a small apartment in a dense, urban setting Even if the clouds hide the majestic glow from your eyes Turn the inner eye toward the sky And howl To say thank you for what works For the little pleasures And the tiny

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October 19, 2021

How are you holding together these days? Do you feel fragmented?  Do you have your shit together?  What’s disintegrating? What’s becoming clear? Where’s the clutter?  What pieces no longer fit together?  Who are you becoming?  Lights are out. Big girl is up in the bunk bed. I hear her toss and turn – the usual

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October 10, 2021

What makes you feel alive these days? How do you connect to your life force?  What is your life about right now? This season brings with it a gentle reminder that death is woven into the unfoldment of life. It isn’t some far away and out there thing that happens at the end. Death breathes

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September 15, 2021

What are you focusing on these days? Where do you find your thoughts taking you on a regular basis? Where does your body spend most of its day?  Where does it want to go? What does your heart sing about? Who and what are you showing up to? You’ve probably figured out that I’m not

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September 8, 2021

Happy (or interesting, or deep, or loving, or gentle, or lit up, or peaceful, or fierce, or enlivening, or grounded, or spacious, or evolutionary, or whatever you are calling into your life right now) September!  Can you believe it’s September already?! How? I have always had a complicated relationship with this month. As a kid,

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February 21, 2021

It’s the fullness of the moon in your eyes  And I place my body on the earth for this occasion  Sprayed in salt water washing into shore Way in the distance Of past and of future The wave I come from Into your eyes Where the moon meets me in her glory And my body

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