Keep The Body Moving – poetry for your heart

September 6, 2024

by Hagar Harpak

Keep the body moving

Keep my heart open.

Open. And strong. Don’t shut down. 

Let the love bloom and the sadness through and the anger too, to boil the blood for things worth raging over, and cleanse the body with the fire of care.

Keep the body moving. 

Keep the mind expansive.

Expansive. And discerning. Don’t be closed minded. But not all inclusive. Broaden the horizons. See many views. Not everything is equal. Look through many lenses. Not everything has meaning. No room for too much bullshit. 

Perspective. Expanding. Boundaries. 

Keep the body moving. 

Keep the Spirit high. High. And grounded. 

Keep the experiences coming. 

Keep laughing.

But don’t hold back the tears.

Keep connecting. 

It’s gonna feel like you just wanna crawl into a hole sometimes. 

Do. But don’t forget to come back out too. 

Keep the body moving. 

Bend with the wind. Lean into the feeling. Let the sunshine in.

Let the dark moon teach you a thing or two. 

And keep the body moving. 

Make magic. Make love. Make jokes. Make sense. 


To the trees.

To the grass.

To the river. 

Flow. But know when to stop. 

Don’t get stuck. But make room for stuckness because it’s here to teach you something too. 

Keep the body


Let life in.

You are a portal. 

Make it meaningful. Love it. Live it.

You’re gonna also need to let it go.  

September 13, 2024

September 6, 2024

August 30, 2024

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