Mossy mind tangled rootless
Anchor into bark
Leaning on dead logs, trying not to hold
Together something that is no longer
Grow out of disintegration
Adapting to landscapes ever changing
Survive drastic shift in climate, community, contour, couture
Unraveling place, and time as conteur
Culture making counter culture
And keep becoming
Bark and rock and plant
Reaching rhizoids to reconnect
Reimagine who more could we become
As we undo and redefine, reformulate and untangle
Restructure and dissolve
Not to resolve but to
Thrive in wide ranges of environment
Conditions entropic and reconfiguring
Diversity continues to tell stories not yet told
To unfold into new shapes
Arrive and roam and make a home and
Move on around the bend
Who knows when or where or how
Alive in wild commingled reach of sunlight
And moisture and breath
Tending to grassy feelings
Tougher than you think
And oh so tender
Woven into dead wood
Dead thoughts, dead identities
Wrapping body in that feathery, fluffy texture
Gathering raindrops that pour down
The surface let it in
Time to begin ceremonial resilience
Generating liquidity from within
to share
Cultivating luminous capacity in dark spaces
Making home in deep, dark caves
In tight and open places
Finding ways in dried lands
Becoming shelter
Mossy microhabitat for many organism
Moss covered mind drenched in dreams