New Moon In Sagittarius – The Mythic Quest

November 30, 2024

by Hagar Harpak

The new moon in Sagittarius takes us on a ride in the landscape of Autumn’s last phase, ushering us toward Winter, and inviting us to end the year journeying through mythic paths and philosophical passageways. 

Sagittarius wants us to ponder deeply and to rethink things, to challenge beliefs and to weave new worlds, to compost old patterns and to gallop across fields that reveal new possibilities, to revel in explorations, discoveries, and dissolution of old ways. Knowledge turns to wisdom as we ride through the night with this centaur archer. Life lessons become embodied intelligence. Insights flow in the bloodstream. 

The archetype of Sagittarius is adventurous, and it isn’t afraid of the dark. She comes to us after Scorpio has taught us of death, and she dares us to excavate wisdom from the liminal (under)grounds, and carry them further into darkness, while simultaneously learning how to light up the night with sparkles. 

Travel is this archetype’s greatest forte. She is the hiker on the trail, the mama who longs to be out in the night and bathe in moonlight, the young woman writing in her journal on a flight to a faraway land, the wise old one spreading wings and spending her retirement funds on a magical tour of the jungle. Sagittarius is the part of us that wanders off in the realms of the imagination, carving new routes through the storytelling spirals of the soul, and growing tangled roots into soil, making new pathways underground. 

As we move into this stage in the season, when Fall is falling off the bones of the year, and the space between one cycle and another opens up, who are you becoming? What kind of an adventure do you find yourself on? What is your mode of travel? 

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. Mutability is open to messiness, and Sagittarius makes space for creativity being unbound by order, which makes life feel less organized but more organic. It reminds us that we are malleable, and that even our hard-as-metal parts can be alchemized, that our pliability is a source of empowerment, that we can change the circumstances, that even our stuckness can be shifted. 

The fire of this wizardish archetype is shapeshifting. It ignites in us the capacity to transmute in the flames and to transform the form we’ve assumed into something different. It invites us to see the shadows that dance as the fire casts its glow, and to receive the messages that come from the spark and the flame and the burn. 

On the one hand, we get the adaptability and mutability of this zodiac sign, taking the form of the centaur, reminding us that we might be humans, but we are never not animals, tugging on the string of roaming dreams in our horse hearts. On the other hand, we get the precision and focus of the archer, aiming high, going for it, doing the work, reaching for the stars.

With Sagittarius we move in the space between untamed and domesticated, with the desire to rewild and restructure, and the capacity to roam between the realms of the unconscious and the sophisticated, to howl from the gut and to refine our speech simultaneously. 

We are complex beings. We are more than one thing. We are constellations. We are the simultaneity of an ever breaking and becoming universe. We are an ever dissolving and reconfiguring entity. We are a multitude of beings. And we are always in relationship with a multitude of other beings. 

Sagittarius is excited about this. He’s not a simple man. She’s death becoming wisdom becoming new possibilities becoming ancient stories born into new forms. They’re not interested in answers and solutions, but excited about the expansion of vision. It’s a layered, transitional, commingled archetype; one that invites us to enrich the conversation and resist the world’s currents of over simplistic perspectives and binary thinking.  

With this new moon we enter the dark unknown. We are invited into a lunar cycle that carries us deeper into less clarity and more questioning. Moving toward the year’s end, we are invited to linger in less light, and love the cozy invitation to learn from what this year brought on. As we move toward another Trump era, we may feel the heavy hand of the patriarchy smacking us down, and the darkness we so wanted to reclaim and to love as our own may feel like it’s closing in on us. 

What wisdom can we cultivate as this season tips us over into a scary story? What messages do we need to give ourselves and offer one another as we carve new roads and craft new modes within a toxic society? What beauty can we call upon as we work our way through this poisonous path?

We spin into a lunar cycle steeped in wisdom. Can we receive it? Can we believe it? Can we drop the belief and make it not faith based, but rather a curious, intelligent, ever unfolding creative process? Can we offer it? Can we become it? 

This lunar cycle takes us all the way to December 30th, when a new moon will rise unseen in the sky. Sagittarius will make room for Capricorn on the Winter Solstice, so the last quarter of this lunar cycle will be entertained by the sun anchoring into the sign of the earthy mountain goat. 

Speaking of Winter Solstice… The Winter Solstice Somatic Ceremony is going to be a deep and meaningful event – the first IN PERSON somatic ceremony in a few years. I’m so excited! Have you signed up yet? 

We’ll gather on the beachI. We’ll tell stories, move bodies, do breathwork, create a sacred circle, invoke Wintery archetypes to enrich life, and mark the seasonal shift with a sacred celebration honoring the passage between the years. We will watch the sun setting on the shortest day of the year, bless its death and breathe its rebirth, and invite the new solar cycle into our hearts. 

All the details are here. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.

May this new moon bring you the renewal that you need for this aging year to tell her necessary story before she takes her last breath.



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