Sagittarius Full Moon – Wide vision, wild heart, wise body

June 2, 2023

by Hagar Harpak

Archer-Centaur Sagittarius

Happy Sagittarius Full Moon, beautiful earthy creatures! 

The adventurous, philosophical, and truth seeking Sagittarius is the archetype that invites us to bathe in this full moon’s light. 

She is courageous and wise, she loves the night skies, she sees constellations everywhere she looks, and draws connections between her own experience and what she reads in books, she is a beast inseparable from the earth, and a cosmic creature to which she herself gives birth, as she travels on the milky way and gallops through a wide array of seeing, and hearing the complexity of a universe that is a living being. 

What in your life right now could use a more broad perspective?

What in you wants to reach into deeper and wider ways of understanding the world?

What insights have you been gathering lately? 

This archetype holds a bow and arrow. Its ferocity is woven together with its calm. The healing touch of the archer-centaur comes from their capacity to turn poison into medicine, to turn our individual and collective wounds into resources of personal and communal transformation. 

Our growth edge is where we meet discomfort with care, and where we are willing to challenge our own beliefs. Transformation doesn’t happen unless we’re willing to let ourselves get agitated. A pearl is formed within the oyster’s shell because a grain of sand, or some other parasite enters the space and irritates the soft tissue. Being triggered is how we become resilient. It’s how we can create the most precious jewels of our lives,

Sagittarius has gathered knowledge, has pushed into, through, and past limitations, has traversed the night sky, and pierced through dogmas, and has opened her mind to wisdom that punctures and transcends religion.

What have you been opening your mind to?

What are you challenged by, and how can it become a tool for learning and growth?

What limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and the world are you willing to break through?

The contemplative, philosophical, open mind of sagittarius isn’t without its boundaries. Again; they have a bow and arrow, and like the oyster, they know how to secrete the kind of materials that also make up their shell, in response to the irritation caused by something that threatens their soft tissue. 

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. It ushers us from Autumn into Winter (in the Northern Hemisphere). When the moon is full in this sign, it is when the sun is in Gemini, which takes us from Spring into Summer. We are reminded that change is constant and inevitable. The power and presence of this archetype reminds us that boundaries must be fluid. When our boundaries are rigid they are weak, and can become limitations. Boundaries, like many things in life, need to be adaptable if they are to be healthy. 

How have you been defending that which is dear to you – in yourself, in your life, in society, on the planet?

Is there anything you want to change about the ways in which you protect and guard yourself and others?

Gemini season is an opportunity to play with the ways in which we communicate, collaborate, and create. The full moon in Sagittarius invites us to look at things from as many angles as we can, and to melt in the fire of this constellation as we journey with our ability to adapt, to traverse wide distances with the galloping lower body of a horse, to arch our human spine,  look up into the stars, and become the skillful archer who can keep aiming to grow and heal through challenges, and be a supportive presence within the ecosystem. 

As the season transitions from Spring into Summer, you’re invited to join us for the Summer Solstice somatic Ceremony, and bring metaphors, symbols, and mythology into your body with breath, movement, mantra, mudra, and meditation. This powerful ritual is divided into eight sessions, and is designed for in-depth exploration of a mythopoetic vision of the season, and how it becomes a somatic experience. All the details are here

Reach out if you have any questions. 

Share this work with your people. 

Comment below if you want to share some of your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and process of this gorgeous full moon.

So much love,


March 13, 2025

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